Clinician Resources
Be an advocate for yourself, your patients, and your community by learning about this complex disease.
AHF works with its Medical Advisory Board, Patient Advisory Board and expert education and research staff to develop evidence-based resources rooted in patient-centered care.
For every 100 alloimmunized pregnancies…
- 63 have critical antibody titers
- 48 require NICU time
- 23 require intrauterine blood transfusions
- 71 mothers will report feelings of depression or hopelessness
- 60 mothers will report symptoms of PTSD

Provider Primer
You can also download a printable pdf of our Provider Primer
Request Booklets
We are pleased to be able to offer these point of care materials free of charge to anyone who requests them. Patients can request their own copies of the prenatal and newborn booklets, and health care providers can request copies for their offices. To get your copy, please fill out the form below.
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Section 5: What your patient wants to hear from you (I will provide later)
Allo Hope Foundation. 2023. “Anonymous Online Patient Questionnaire Study Examining Disease Diagnosis, Monitoring, Treatment, Progression and Experience in Maternal Alloimmunization Causing Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn” (IRB Tracking Number 20224681).