Though cost is generally a prohibitive factor, options exist to prevent alloimmunization entirely in subsequent pregnancies. This includes:
- In-vitro fertilization (IVF) with preimplantation genetic testing (PGD) in the case of a heterozygous paternal genotype for the offending red cell antigen32
- Gestational carrier using an embryo conceived via IVF
- Donor sperm used in intrauterine insemination (IUI) from a donor who does not carry the offending red cell antigen.
To see additional information on alternatives to natural conception visit our Alternatives to Natural Conception page.
If a woman intends to become pregnant again, pregnancy monitoring and potential interventions can be pre-planned with a supportive provider. This may include IVIG and plasmapheresis beginning in the first trimester and assessment for eligibility for inclusion in new clinical trials such as that for nipocalimab. To see additional clinical trials relating to alloimmunization and HDFN, visit our Current Research and Clinical Trials page. For women with previously affected pregnancies requiring IUTs, referral to a specialist with extensive experience in IUTs, IVIG and plasmapheresis may be considered and pre-pregnancy consultation should be initiated.