Financial Assistance Resources

Navigating an Alloimmunized pregnancy and Neonatal HDFN course can cause undue physical, mental, logistical and financial burden on families. The Allo Hope Foundation has developed this resource to help support patients with education regarding their financial assistance options should they need it. There are many options available to patients whether it be through the treating hospital/physician, the government or other charitable foundations that help cover medical costs.

Treating Hospital Financial Assistance Programs

Hospitals are required to have a written Financial Assistance Policy (FAP) and written Emergency Medical Care policy which include eligibility for financial assistance, whether care is free or discounted, calculation for amounts you are charged and how you apply. Some states have charity care laws that apply to all hospitals and some have laws that only apply to nonprofit or state run hospitals. 

Often you will need to have obtained and maintain insurance coverage if affordable coverage is available to apply for financial assistance, either from a government sponsored insurance program (Medicaid/Medicare), employer commercial insurance, or other subsidized programs.

Steps to take:

  1. Ask for your treating hospital’s financial assistance program or search for your hospital’s policy online (search hospital name and financial assistance). Or call the hospital and ask for details about their financial aid policy. 
  2. Ask to speak to a hospital financial counselor for help in navigating the FAP application. Review the FAP application in depth and gather supplemental documentation as applicable. 
  3. Fill out the application form. You may need to provide information about your income, including tax forms or pay stubs, and your expenses 
  4. Ask how long it takes to process your application and what happens with your bill in the meantime 
  5. Notify any debt collectors that you are seeking financial assistance for the bill and tell them to pause collection while that process plays out. If they have already reported it on your credit, dispute an error on your credit report. 
  6. Follow up with your provider or patient financial counselor about the status of your application 
  7. If you do not qualify for financial assistance, ask for a lower bill or a payment plan from the hospital.


  • Double check all bills and EOBs (explanation of benefits). You’d be surprised how often billing mistakes are made. If you don’t receive an itemized bill, ask for one. Look for incorrect dates of service and fees billed more than once for the same test or procedure.
  • If a bill is denied by insurance, ask your provider to appeal the decision or provide a peer to peer review for services to be covered. The insurance peer-to-peer review is a scheduled phone conversation during which an ordering physician discusses the need for a procedure with the insurance company’s medical director to obtain a prior authorization approval or appeal a previously denied prior authorization
  • There are many state programs available. Contact your state’s Department of Human Services (also called the Department of Social Services or Health Services). State funded programs may include TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), Medicaid, Supplemental Security and/or PFML (Paid family medical leave).

Other funding and resources:

  • Negotiate payment plans for your non-medical monthly bills with your utility company, phone provider and other creditors.
  • Seek help from nonprofit organizations offering health care services navigation and reimbursement:
  • Hospital Social Worker- Be sure to ask for referral to and help from a hospital social worker in addition to financial counselors. They often have comprehensive lists of local resources 
  • Travel Resources- if you need to travel outside of your home state for care, be sure to consider options to offset costs of living and housing concerns. 
      • Patient/family housing programs may be available to those who need it through their treating hospital such as Ronald McDonald House, Hospitality Homes, and discounted hotel rates.
      • Medical Transportation Options- AngelFlight, Mercy Medical Angels (Airline and Ground Transport support)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Programs:
      • WIC: Available to nutritionally at risk pregnant, breastfeeding and postpartum women and infants and children up to their 5th birthday. They provide benefits such as supplemental nutritious foods. nutrition education and counseling and screening and referrals. Find more information here.
      • Project Bread
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