Calculators & Tools
Where Can I Calculate My Baby's MoM?
There are two ways to know your baby’s MoM: ask your physician or calculate it yourself. In order to calculate the MoM yourself, ask your ultrasound tech or physician what your baby’s Peak Systolic Velocity (PSV) is. Sometimes this number is called the Vmax or Max Velocity. Click on Anemia > Cerebral Doppler. Enter your baby’s gestational age and the PSV and calculate the MoM.
Source: Fetal Medicine Barcelona.
You may also want to print off a copy of the chart below. If you memorize the PSV for the 1.5 number, and ask the ultrasound technician for the max velocity, you will know immediately how close your baby is to a 1.5 MoM.
I have my baby's estimated fetal weight. Where can I go to find out what percentile he is in?
Once you have your baby’s estimated fetal weight (EFW), convert it to grams. Click on Fetal Growth > Gestational Age. Enter your baby’s gestational age and the EFW. Select the child’s gender and click calculate to see what percentile your baby is in.
Source: Fetal Medicine Barcelona.
You may also want to print off a copy of the chart below.
If my baby was born today, what are her chances of survival?
Medical care is rapidly advancing and improving. With care at a high level Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), the survival rates for infants born early are improving. These survival rates do not take into account HDFN, but give you an idea of the survival rates for infants born at 22-38 weeks gestation.
I have my newborn's bilirubin levels.
Is he near the treatment limits?
Infants with HDFN (those who have a positive DAT or are antigen positive) are at medium risk (infants born at/after 38 weeks gestation with risk factors)or high risk (infants born at 35 to 37 6/7 weeks with risk factors)for complications due to high bilirubin. You can enter your child’s numbers in the calculator below. Remember to change the units if you are in the UK or another country that does not use mg/dL.
Source: Peditools.
You may also want to print off a copy of the chart below.
What are the normal lab values for ferritin, hemoglobin, hematocrit, neutrophil count, and thrombocyte count?
Hemoglobin – Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. A blood test can tell how much hemoglobin you have in your blood and is used as an indicator of anemia (common in the USA). The normal pediatric hemoglobin range for infants age 0-6 months is 12.7 – 18.3 g/dL for females and 14.7 – 18.6 g/dL for males.
Neutrophil count – Normal neutrophil levels range from 6 – 26 x 109/L for newborns, and decrease to 1 – 9 x 109/L at 1 month of age.
Thrombocyte count – Normal platelet levels are >150 x 109/L. This value is the same regardless of age. Approximately 25% of infants with HDFN experience thrombocytopenia, a reduced level of thrombocytes.
For additional reading about what tests infants with HDFN need and how often, see our Resource Library page on Necessary Laboratory Assessments for Infants Exposed to Maternal Alloantibodies.
What percentile is my baby in for growth?
Below are calculators for infants weight for age percentile.