AHF Blood Drive, 2024, Atlanta, GA
Thank you to everyone who came out and donated blood at our first ever Allo Hope Blood Drive this past weekend in honor of Josie Anne Luevano. A huge thank you as well to the incredible community of friends, family, and fellow alloimmunized moms who worked the blood drive, made pledges, donated and spread the word.
Happy first birthday in heaven to Josie Anne Luevano who died from undiagnosed and untreated HDFN. Josie could have survived if she had received the blood transfusions she needed in utero. Like too many babies before her, she died a preventable death due to HDFN, but her death was not in vain. In one short year, her life has impacted countless other babies facing HDFN, bringing awareness globally to the condition, raising money for patient programs at AHF and stocking up blood banks with fresh donor blood for those whose lives depend on it. We love you Josie and will continue to honor your life through patient support and education, disease awareness, improved care practices, research and blood and plasma donation.