
Consensus Guidelines Conference 2024, Bethesda, MD

On November 20, 2024, we joined the THOR Network Foundation, The Department of Defense and experts in trauma, transfusion medicine, maternal fetal medicine, and neonatology for a groundbreaking conference:  Emergency Transfusion in Females with Childbearing Potential: Mitigating the Risks of Hemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn. Patients, providers and advocates worked across disciplines to deliberate and vote on 20 evidence-based guidelines aimed at improving outcomes in women with severe bleeding and also reducing the risk of fetal and neonatal death due to HDFN. Guidelines are likely to be published later this year

Thank you to Dr. Phil Spinella, the THOR Network Foundation, the alloimmunized mothers (and babies!), the many experts, advocates, and everyone who contributed to making this meeting such a success. A special thank you to Johnson and Johnson for sponsoring our beautiful AHF Appreciation Dinner and supporting patient collaboration. We are so grateful for our Allo Hope community!

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